
Advertising is everywhere- ads, commercials, billboards it seems like you can’t go a day without interacting with an ad. With so many ads out there in the world, millions of people come into contact with an ad- depending on how much the company is willing to pay. The company Amazon is currently facing 28.95 billion in revenues just from advertisement. A 20.3% increase from 2017.

Overall, I believe advertisement is a huge moneymaker in any industry. It’s a valuable concept to utilize if used correctly and smart

light london adverts piccadilly circus
Photo by Negative Space on


The article I read about was called “How millennials could kill politics as we know it if they cared to” by Hunter Schwarz. This article is about how powerful millennials could be during elections if they took the time and proceeded the action to vote. Millennials are defined as individuals that are born between 1981-1996, they make up 22% of the United States population. Millennials could be a dominating fraction within the election but the majority of millennials choose to not participate. In 2016, only a little more than half of the eligible voters from this generation chose to participate in voting. This generation is capable of making permanent decisions towards our country and half of the people choose to not participate at all. People believe that the voters are made up of people that are directly affected over the issues themselves such as student debt, health care, environment, and the economy. People that are directly faced with these problems are more likely to participate and vote for their preference of future leaders. This is because these voters want to impact what they are passionate about and hope that the leaders of their preference get elected.

A big thing that millennials have is the power of social media. The spread of word and influence are carried through the people we follow. You could easily post something on any social media platform and express your views and concerns that are carried to other individuals. Other influencers such as famous people and role models can shape your views and influence tremendously on what you believe. People that look up to them can easily start to believe in the same values as their role model. Growing up with social media can provide you with good and bad information on political topics that are easily accessed on the internet. Social media plays a huge factor towards political views that this generation, and future generations with being nearly impossible to avoid.

Millennials are described as the most independent generation but are the least likely to see the big differences between democrats and republicans. A poll in March found that 44% of people in this generation identify themselves as an independent. When people identify as independent it means that they are neither democrat or republican. The vast majority of the population identify as independent because they agree with a bit of both sides. Some people also say they don’t like the official label as one of the two to follow those expectations in their lifetime. Ultimately, people that identify as independent could for either democrat or republican- it all depends on the candidates running.


Phone Scams

Remember the time when you look down on your phone and all of a sudden you notice a call from an unknown number? People tend to answer or completely ignore the unknown caller without knowing any knowledge about them. This happens way too much in our world by leaving people little trust to answer unknown callers. In the Washington Post, I found an article called “Nearly half of cellphone calls will be scams by 2019, report says” by Hamza Shaban states that 29% of total calls in 2017 was connected to a scam call. By the year 2019 scam calls are projected to reach up to 45% of all total calls. Spam calls consist of fraudsters pretending to be banks, debt collected or people pretending to be apart of a charity organization.

I believe scam calls are a very big issue in society. As common as the calls are I’ve noticed that not that many people talk about or are educated about scam callers. As a society, I believe we should educate people on the importance of their card number and when it is acceptable to share it. I also believe that there should be a program or some sort of thing to block known scam callers so the call never reaches your end of the line.


$5 footlong no more

The famous saying “$5 dollar…. $5 dollar footlong!” from the food chain company Subway will be advertising a new slogan shortly. Subway announced that their $5 dollar deal, that most millennials grew up too, may no longer be an option. CEO Trevor Haynes revealed that they will not require franchisees to participate in that deal, making it only voluntary.  Subway was a huge hit in 2009 but decreased in sales after rivals such as Chipotle, Jersey Mikes, and Jimmy John’s offered better quality food options to consumers. As a business, Subway has been struggling and noticed a decrease in sales in the last couple of years. One of the reason’s for the big plummet was in 2015 when Jared Fogle, the brand’s pitchmen, was charged a 15-year sentence after pleading guilty to child pornography.  The company hit a struggle and lost most loyal customers and still fights to earn their reputation back to this day. The company is currently hoping to retain the popularity they once had.

Personally, I believe Subway’s $5 footlongs was a symbol of their company and product. The reason why Subway gained its popularity, in the beginning, was the unpassable deal that consumers everywhere couldn’t resist. With taking that deal away I feel like Subway is taking away apart of their identity as a business and what truly started their success. The $5 footlongs were the company’s key advertising pitch and without that deal what advantages does Subway have over its competitors?

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Is money the source of happiness?

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Photo by Pixabay on

Spending, saving, and budgeting money are skills that each individual will go through sometime in their life- both the good and the bad experiences. Each decision an individual makes will impact their total expenses and end revenue which ultimately leads to how much money is in the bank. Now the real question is does money really cause happiness?

The article I read surveyed Swedish lottery winners and losers and the results provided proof that the more money you have the more satisfied you’ll be in life. Money is a big stress factor and if you’re in debt it will most likely cause a negative toll towards your mental health which can lead to a downfall spiral to everything else connecting to it. Having extra money for emergencies, travel, sports games or anything an individual is passionate about can increase happiness levels and later can improve work ethic and relationships with others. Obviously, money isn’t everything but having a strong, healthy relationship dealing with money can lead to a least stressful lifestyle.

In the end, I believe individuals that are smarter with money have a more positive outlook in the business and nonbusiness environment. Individuals that budget accordingly tends to have a higher percentage of overall satisfaction. Personally, I’ve been budgeting my whole life and having extra money came in handy for emergencies or last-minute events.